Goat Island Cultural Tour

On Friday July 8th, 2022, CBICI made an excursion to Goat Island in Eskasoni. The group Included 12 international students from different countries, keen to learn the history and culture of Unama'ki.

On Friday July 8th, 2022, CBICI made an excursion to Goat Island in Eskasoni. The group
Included 12 international students from different countries, keen to learn the history and culture
of Unama’ki.

Goat Island is located on the Bras d’Or Lakes in Eskasoni First Nation. On the island is a quaint 2.4km walking trail that is open all year round to the public. With a great view of the Bras d’Or lakes, Goat Island is a beautiful sight with lots of memorable experiences to offer! On our tour, we were guided by local Mi’kmaq cultural interpreters, who brought us to several little villages alongside the trail, each with unique presentations and stories within the Mi’kmaq culture.

We participated in fun, visual learning experiences. Presentations about hunting and fishing techniques were given alongside the art of basketry. We were also taught step by step how to make our own bookmarks made out of ash wood and natural twine, sourced from animal intestines.

We also had the opportunity to have a hands-on experience of Mi’kmaq culture and heritage. Taking part in a smudging ceremony, learning to make four cents cake over an open fire and learning and participating in traditional dances and drumming!

The CBICI group had an amazing experience that left us very refreshed and informed, and excited to learn more. We received very good responses from participants and would love to make a return next year!

To learn more about Goat Island or to book a tour, you can check out the Eskasoni Cultural Journey’s website at https://eskasoniculturaljourneys.ca/. To learn more about Mi’kmaq culture, historically and in the present, you can connect with the Unama’ki College at Cape Breton university at https://www.cbu.ca/indigenous-affairs/unamaki-college/.