Highland Arts Theatre Offers Welcoming Promotion to Newcomers

On Cape Breton Island, there is no shortage of artistic talent. The Highland Arts Theatre provides a space for artists and community members to gather.

Highland Arts Theatre

Highland Arts Theatre, or “The HAT”, is a performance venue in downtown Sydney. The HAT has hosted many of Cape Breton’s finest in the fields of music and dance and creates a reliable, professional theatrical presence in downtown Sydney. The theatre produces quality productions with a special emphasis on Cape Breton songs and stories.

Welcome Promotions

Starting in January 2020, all Cape Breton University students will receive FREE rush tickets to any HAT production on the night of the performance with a valid CBU Student ID Card.

Newcomers are eligible for FREE season passes within 2 years of arriving in Canada. International students may take advantage of this opportunity as well. Spouses are welcome.

Lead a Community Workshop

Are you a newcomer who wants to lead a community workshop on an interesting art form (Bollywood Dance, Bhangra Dance, Gidda Dance, etc)? The HAT is looking for qualified individuals to share the diverse talent present on our island.

If this sounds like you, please contact [email protected] indicating your name, phone, email, address and postal code for the opportunity to lead paid workshops.

Contact Info

[email protected]

40 Bentinck Street
Sydney, NS
